Shifting through school stress to be the thriving person you want to be.
Recharge Your Energy, Reconnect with Yourself, and Rejoice to enjoy the summer!
Are you exhausted & drained from the emotional weight you've carried all school year? Struggling to shift from the structured school routine to holiday mode?Invest this short amount of time in yourself, remember you can’t pour from an empty cup, take this time to refill yours! Tamzin and Rowena have had years of experience in learning strategies that we have tried and tested to help us to unwind- from being emotionally drained and highly strung at the end of a busy term, to finding a better pace of life at the start of the holidays in order to be able to better relax and recharge to our best selves. We want to share these so you remember the joy and energy that can be yours with a small bit of investment in yourself!
Are you a teacher who struggles to switch off at the end of term?
Do you feel guilty at leaving work undone?
Do you feel overwhelmed with tasks unfinished at school and how many jobs you’ve left to be done in the holidays?
Do you want to be able to sleep properly again and be the best version of yourself for both you and your family to enjoy the summer?
Join us for a rejuvenating day dedicated to helping teachers switch off from work, relax, laugh and prepare you to recharge over the summer, and enjoy your break to the full.
When was the last good decision you made out of fear?
I’m willing to bet you’ve never drastically changed your life for the better when you were driven by fear.
But we also know that creating CERTAINTY and CONFIDENCE to overcome fear is absolutely possible for you...
All it takes is equipping yourself with the unfair advantage of an unstoppable mindset.
Listen - We can't see the future and no matter what stress & strains you have had from the work load, expectations, demands, compassion fatigue & pressure, we can promise you no one achieves their goals by dwelling on the past.
But what we do know is overwhelm & burnout are on the rise (that's not good)...…and most people are letting fear drive their decisions - (or making no decision at all) and historically when this happens, Nothing changes…..
Is your head still in school, not allowing you to switch off and not be present for family and friends? Are you struggling to sleep as your brain is still whirring? Are you worrying about the stress of unfinished work and all you have to prepare for the new term? Are you so emotionally drained that you have nothing left to give?
You don’t need to solve all the problems for all the children in school….
Between us we have over 60 years of teaching experience, so we know well the pitfalls & hurdles you are encountering.
You can't afford to miss this invaluable moment. You don't deserve to have another wasted holiday of old habits.....
We believe only YOU can make the changes to your habits & mindset. We are here to support YOU to make it happen.
By the end of our time together, YOU will have the opportunity to take advantage of the exact same roadmap we’ve used, even when facing exhaustion & overwhelm.
If you want to look back on this year as the year you finally took control for yourself and start to thrive - put it in your calendar for October 14 and join us live!
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